Coastal Empire Sentinels
Coastal Empire Sentinels

         2020-2021 SCSL Title Family

Mr. Southern Coastal States Leather 2020 - 2021, Sea Wolf


Southern Coastal States Leather Contest

Our History


The Coastal Empire Sentinels decided that as a small club starting out that they needed something to draw people to their run.  So in 1997 they held the first Southern Coastal States Leather Contest.  Portions of the contest were held poolside at Jim and Dale's and at Club One Jefferson.  Winners were Mr. Victor L, Ms. Daddy Flo, and boy Chris P.  The following year the contest was held at Club One.  1998 winners were Mr. Shawn C., Ms. Paula Smith, and girl becky.  In 1999 the club did not hold a leather contest, letting the title holders keep their titles for two years.  The Sentinels did hold a Miss CES contest in 1999 to crown a representative from the Drag community, who was Christiana Sinclair.  In 1999 Shawn, Paula, and Chris competed at SE Leatherfest and won SE Drummer, SE Drummer boy, and Ms. Leather Pride as a Trident Knight Family.  Paula went on to be American Leatherwoman 2000.

The 2000 contest was held at Felecia’s and emceed by Tom Stice, International slave 1995, and Lady Samatha Claar, Ms. Leather Pride 2000.  The winners were Mr. Sir Rob Robertson, Ms. Lady D, and boy rob.    After the shock of a second president of the Sentinels passing away suddenly, the club dwindled and dissolved in 2001.  The boy disappeared, but Sir Rob, and Lady D respectfully carried their titles for thirteen years and elatedly passed them on in 2013 to Sir Wayne, and Ms. Eileen Sanders. The contest was emceed by Paula Smith and Bruce Ross and was held at Roy’s Hideaway.  Eileen had run against Paula many years earlier (in 1998) and was excited to accept the sash at last.  Again following in Paula’s footsteps, Eileen competed at ABW the year following her SCSL title year and became American Leatherwoman 2014.  In 2013 the boy was proudly filled by boy brian who had accompanied Sir Rob for years as Mr. SCSL's boy but not as SCSL boy.  Not having a boy to compete in 2014, he held the title for a second year.   The 2014 contest was again held at the Sentinel’s run at Roy’s Hideaway and was emceed by Paula Smith and Sir John.   The 2014 Mr. did not fulfil his obligations and his title was revoked and the Ms. turned in her patch in 2017.  The 2015 contest was again held at Roy’s Hideway, sashing Northman as Mr. SCSL and Brit as Ms. SCSL.  This pair incidentally had competed simultaneously before having won SE Rubber and SECBB respectively in 2014.  boy brian carried the boy sash one final year and stepped down in 2016.  The Coastal Empire Sentinel run was relocated to Rivers Edge campground in Dewey Rose GA and the contest for 2016 followed.  Peach from Columbia Leather Order brought a large contingent of club brothers and sisters for a very moving fantasy performance and was subsequently sashed Ms. SCSL 2016.  For 2017 the contest was not held at the club run, so that the run could be a casual campout, and was held September 30, at Connections Niteclub in Charleston.  This 20th Anniversary of the contest came full circle back to its origins of being held in a gay club.  Emceed by Monica Montgomery, the 2017 title famly was named, Sir Al as Mr. Cissy as Ms and Little Stevie as boy.  This family continues to serve as title year 2018 as well as into 2019 with the contest being moved to the Fall.


All are welcome to enter the contest (over 21) no matter their orientation even though it’s held in a gay bar, as many Leather events are, so long as they are comfortable and accepting and respectful of the individuals around them.


Brian Johnson

Coastal Empire Sentinel Historian

Next Contest Sept. 11 - 13, 2020 at The Rivers Edge.  TRE website

Applications will be accepted up to the last minute: 10pm Sept. 6.  Mailed or online aplication deadline is midnight August 31,  Last minute aplications will need to bring 8 copies of their aplication and picture, three hole punched and ready to go into folde as well as auction basket and aplication fee. for mailing address and questions.

The Mr. Southern Coastal States Leather, Ms. Southern Coastal States Leather, and the Southern Coastal States Leatherboy contests are produced by the Coastal Empire Sentinels.  The SCSL contest is intended to generate a bonding between the leather communities of Southern Coastal States and increase public awareness through exposure to the general public.  The contest is open to persons of any sexual orientation or gender.

Downlod the contestant package for details as that document will become the winners'contract. Link: Contestant Package

Contest Eligibility and Rules Overview

  • To qualify for the contest, the contestant must
    • be at least twenty-one years old by the date of the contest.
    • be a full time legal resident of one of the following states: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, or Alabama.
    • identify as male for Mr. SCSL, identify as female for Ms. SCSL, and boy may be of any gender and who has the focus of service as their identity.
    • have a demonstrated interest in Leather, BDSM or Fetishes.
    • agree to permit photographs to be taken for use on Coastal Empire Sentinels' and the event host's web sites, social media, and promotional fliers and advertisements.
    • Submit an application fee of $25
  • Contestants meeting the above eligibility may be sponsored by a business or organization.  Contestants may also be self-sponsored.
  • During the contest the contestant will
    • refrain from sexual contact or private meetings with Judges, Judges' boy, Tally Master, Emcees, DJ, the Producer and any other contest production members or hosting event crew from the time of application until after the announcement of the Winners.
    • bring any questions to the Producer to ensure their understanding of these requirements.
    • act in a manner above reproach. The use of illegal drugs is grounds for disqualification of a contestant.
    • bring a basket to be raffled or auctioned during the event.
    • attend a private interview with the Judges. 
    • sell raffle tickets to event guests during the weekend.  Part of attitude/personality, but not scored by amount sold.  
    • perform a fantasy act/demo (5 min or less) on stage. 
    • ensure that members of their fantasy sign a photo release
    • provide the DJ with music for their fantasy
    • appear in a jock strap or erotic attire on stage, within state laws.  
    • appear in attire that represents their Leather Image (Dress Leather).
    • participate in an onstage interview question.
  • The winners must
    • return to the next Southern Coastal States Leather Contest to step aside from the title and pass on the Title Sash, which is the property of the Coastal Empire Sentinels.
    • represent the Southern Coastal States title throughout the title year by appearing in their sash at events whether in or beyond the Southern Coastal Region.
    • act in a manner above reproach. The use of illegal drugs or conviction of a crime is grounds for disqualification of a Title holder.
    • agree to attend any major events produced by the Coastal Empire Sentinels.  This includes but is not limited to the annual run.  Run fees will be comped for the current SCSL title holders.
    • provide receipts to the producer for approved travel expenses to be reimbursed from their travel fund.
    •  attend one out of town bar night (not of their own club or habitual area) and one event (run or conference) within the SCSL region.
    • stay in communication with their producer throughout the year about their travel and/or community involvement.
  • The winners may
    • submit  to the Sentinels a proposal for a fundraiser that if approved they will help the title holder with in order to add to the Travel Fund.
    • cary out their own fundraisers to assist with their travel expenses provided that they are actively present in the fundraising effort and clearly state what the funds are for.  
    • use the title to bring awareness to a personal community cause and raise funds for that cause.
    • during their title year compete at a National or International level contest that is appropriate for them. (Strongly encouraged)


For questions about the contest please contact

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