Full Members:
Tim, President. aka Sea Wolf (Facebook as Ryan Meyer), Mr. SECC 2018, Mr. SCSL 2020
George. aka Hana Dvas, Secetary
Sir Wayne Turpin, Treasurer. Mr. Atlanta Eagle 2011, Mr. SCSL 2013
Flossie, Pledge Master. Ms. SELF 2013
Sir Rob Roberston, Mr. SCSL 2000 -2012, SE Trainer 2015
Brian Johnson, SCSL boy 2013-15
Eric Jenkins
Sir Fuzzy Pants, Mascot (non voting)
boy dave, American Leatherboy 2014
Honorary Members:
Lady D [Deborah Harrison] (2000-2012 Ms. Southern Coastal States Leather)
Jim Blevins
Russ Brannen
Dale Garee
Dorothy Karesh
Dab the Aids Bear
Associate Members:
Master Roy Bell
Greg Doke
Tom Hain
Luis Eduardo Hernandez
Michael Hogarth
Michael Joyner
Roy McLeroy
Brad McMillan
Scott Porter
Dennis Romano
Paula Smith
Ric Smith
Wolf Stanley
Letha Stanley
Fred Wright
Brit Boots
Gregg Nipper
Janice R.
Master Bruce Ross
Bob Rickards
Scott (CLO)
Cara Crane
Dale M.
Casey M.
Melissa W.
Brenda aka MS. Wench
Sir Spencer
Dakota Belotti
IIf you were an associate before the club dissolved, we are sorry that we don't have those past records. But if you show us your associate patch we will be very happy to add you back to our
Members in Memoriam:
Mitch Adams, past president
Steven Mulvey, past president
Larry Lipsey
Felicia (Neal) Adams
To apply to be an associate member click one of the links below.
For Full Membership aplication or Member at Large please speak with a current member of the club about your interest.
CES Lifetime Associate Application
Email questions to info@cesentinels.org